Despite the objection and grave concern of international doctors, scientists, and environmental leaders, 5G is now being established on a global scale with absolutely zero safety testing results being communicated to the public.
During the February 2019 Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee hearing before Congress, wireless carriers conceded that they were not aware of any independent scientific studies on safety of 5G technologies or their impact on American people.*
How did we get here?
The "G" in 3G, 4G, and 5G stands for ‘generation.’ 3G was the third generation of cellular technology and created the first networks that were fast enough to make the use of smartphones practical. Prior to 3G, the networks were too slow to support activities like surfing the web, streaming videos, and downloading music.
4G was ten times faster, allowing downloading and streaming in HD without the buffering and delays that are common with 3G technology. Faster capabilities are largely the result of higher frequency microwave radiation.
Each oscillation of the microwave is ultimately converted into the 0s and 1s of computer code that are translated into the video, audio, and data that we access on our devices. So the higher the frequency, the faster the microwaves oscillate, and the faster the computer code can be transmitted.
Unfortunately, the higher frequency and faster oscillating microwaves also generate more chaotic energy and are more disruptive to living things. While cell towers have been using around 700 MHz to 2.5 GHz (600 thousand to 2.5 billion waves per second) frequency and WiFi uses 2.5 to 5 GHz (2.5 to 5 billion waves per second) frequency to transfer information.
5G cell towers will use around 24 to 90 GHz (24 to 90 billion waves per second) frequency to transfer information. 5G towers have been installed in various cities around the country and have been undergoing testing of the function of technology for the past few years. The 5G mobile networks became “active” in some cities beginning in 2019 and are expanding to more and more cities all of the time.
According to Environmental Health Trust, 800,000 5G cell towers will be installed throughout the USA, with millions more worldwide. While 5G has been added to our massive microwave radiation exposure, it hasn’t replaced 3G or 4G, which continue to be emitted and used. These radiating 5G, 4G, 3G “small” cell antennas will be installed close to the ground and near homes, mounted on streetlights, trashcans, utility poles, bus stops, and the rooftops of buildings.